Collaborative Immersion
- Before we sell you we really want get to know you
- We collaborate with you to create you a value proposition using the Brand Bucket® methodology and its proven workshop process. So we can articulate your business in the right way, selling on value and not on price
- We will bring out the foundation stones of your brand using the Brand Galvaniser® and the Four B’s: Behaviour – Your behavioural style Benefits – Turn your features into benefits through mini-stories Belief – What you’d like people to say about you , what they believe about you after working with you Be – A statement of intent, what you want to be. Your differentiating core, a summary of the three previous B’s
- Understand & find your perfect prospect, psychographically
- With the ‘value focused’ language from the value proposition workshop, create the structure for an intro deck and an email template
- Create a bespoke call guide, with hooks and openers, understand your industry specific jargon, ensuring the most confident calls can be made from the off
Relationship Building & Appointment Making
- A modern approach to contacting the businesses you want to work with, through ‘unexpected calls’. Made from specific data and only after thorough research of the prospects you’ve chosen
- Followed up with bespoke, personal and invited emails, we will open the doors to new businesses for you
- Our proven methodology, uses a 4 step engagement model which results in your prospects remembering your company above others
- Our robust follow up process is built across the week, so that leads can be contacted outside of the main sessions
Event Attending
- Preparation – we’ll choose and understand the event, research, filter and select companies you’d like to work with
- Create a ‘conversation guide’ to capture the businesses benefit focused language from the created the Collaborative Immersion
- Create the structure for an intro deck to take to the event – So attendees will be fully equipped
- Attend network events in your company’s name, to find prospects
- Attend exhibitions for the sectors you want to do business with, to find prospects
- Carry out a strategic approach at event, target is to engage with all selected companies
- Follow up leads; email, phone calls, company LinkedIn, pre-meeting meet up, another event
- Small sessions per week, for the next 8 weeks spent on follow up activity to deliver appointments